
  • A Writer Required

    Apparently, Jareth requires a writer, and has asked me to write his biography. Not everything has gone as planned, especially where magic is involved. Jareth/OC.

  • Merlin: The Return of Arthur

    Arthur turned incredulously to Merlin. "Why is she wearing trousers?" Merlin waited until Serena was out of the room, and then flicked Arthur's nose, annoyed-he was too concerned about his friend's health to really hit him-and Arthur looked affronted by the assault. "Women wear trousers now, you clotpole."

  • Goblins Above

    Sequel to Goblins; Leah and Jareth have never been happier living their lives with their children, Melina and Leo. But when a mysterious enemy threatens both Leah's family Above, and the couple's family Underground, they must fight to keep both their worlds, and their marriage, from crumbling. Jareth and Me.