
  • Iron Man: Titanic Adventures Season 1

    Teenage billionaire technologist Tony Stark, aka the Invincible Iron Man, assembles a group of young heroes to form the Teen Titans, Jump City's guardians. Can the heroes overcome their differences to save the city from the villainous Slade? And what secrets is Tony Stark hiding? Triple Crossover with Naruto, Marvel, and Teen Titans.

  • Spectrum Master

    Naruto's fight with Sasuke at the VOTE sends him to another world entirely. There, he meets seven beings that give him power beyond imagine. Power that he will use to turn the DC Universe upside down. Naruto x Massive Harem

  • Shinobi of Jump City

    Let's face it, the number of stories where Naruto meets the Teen Titans and is a total badass is a dime a dozen on this website. Here is my version of that type of story. Naruto x FemSasuke x Harem

  • Pacific Rim: New Generation

    After the Kaiju were defeated, humanity rebuilt itself and began to prosper in the following decades. But when the monsters returned to take over the world, a new generation of pilots rose up to fight them in new, more advanced Jaegers. This is the Second Kaiju War. Initially planned as Naruto crossover, will include other characters. First chapter is prologue.