King Zoe

  • Put That Away

    Remus is uncomfortable with the size of an object. Sirius is amused by Remus's discomfort. Takes place during the school years.

  • Will You Walk With Me?

    Helga Hufflepuff marries Salazar Slytherin. Rowena reflects on their union, and she and Godric do some stargazing. Fluff. Founders.

  • A Present for the Baby

    Sirius arrives at Godric's Hollow unexpectedly with a present for Harry. Lily is a little nervous. Takes place just before Harry is born.

  • A Gentleman

    Draco encounters a strange man in his house and confronts him about his intentions. Takes place between OotP and HBP.

  • Finally Late

    Hermione is late, and Ron doesn't understand why. 100 word drabble written for weasley100.

  • On a Hot Summer Night

    Nothing graphic at all, and much sweetness. Remus and Sirius share a private moment.