

  • I Saw You

    I saw you the other day, but you didn’t see me.

  • Unfortunate Understanding

    Hermione Granger sees Snape staring at her from the shadows and understands why he did what he did. These are her thoughts.

  • Shattered Dreams

    New Neville's explanation: "Stay.- Hermione did love them, seven years of tradegy and loss pushed them together. One dream would tear them apart. Snape can’t help but wonder how it might have been if he had called her Hermione just once.

  • War Torn Lovers

    After the final battle Hermione needs to feel something again, anything. With most of her friends dead, Hogwarts destoryed and weight of death on her shoulders what will happen? She finds someone who she hates for being exactly like her: lost. R/R please!