

  • Oneoff

    Wherein Ron gets a blow from Pansy

  • From Beginning to beginning

    This is a set of four loosely connected drabbles of 100 words each written for the LJ community dracoharry100. Prompt was "soul"

  • At The Leaky

    Neville thinks about Hannah's breasts and why she doesn't wipe down The Leaky's counter by magic.

  • Sleeping Arrangements

    Harry has a hard time sleeping after the final battle. So do Ron and Hermione.

  • A Brief History of a Beautiful Friendship

    She bites her lip with uncharacteristic reserve... you want to bite it for her.

  • Baggage

    Harry, Draco, an odd friendship, and a conversation while packing a suitcase

  • Lead Time

    Hermione thinks it's time for their second kiss.

  • Insecurities

    He could not believe they were having this conversation. It was too alien to him. Hermione, his Hermione, thinking she wasn’t beautiful when she was the one that defined the word for him.