a lil' more crazy take on the Hathor episode.
What happened right after the final events of the movie. I wrote this some time ago, rediscovered it on my laptop and decided to post it here :) Right now it's more of a one-shot but I could try continuing if I got some ideas. If you have some suggestions, please write them in the comments! Enjoy! Roni Drakaina
Takes place after the Ragorlang Saga. The comics continued here with the New Powers Saga my story takes its own direction (AU). Enjoy! -Roni Drakaina
Alas how the Womanizer Jake got caught by the shy and pretty Marley.
This fanfiction features scenes in between or soon after the show's episodes. Moments of bonding and shipping between characters that we didn't get to see on screen. Maybe I'll write entire "episodes" of my own in time and perhaps this will even evolve into a continuous story of its own, we shall see. :) Enjoy! -Roni Drakaina
An AU story where Sam is an artist and a certain Mr. Jack Anderson moves in as her new neighbour...