

  • Evergreen Sector Academy

    Book 3 Welcome back to Evergreen but a few things have changed. Not only the school but we have a new set of main characters. We get to follow Kai Blaze as he goes through the new Element sector and manages to take on everything heading his way if he likes it or not. This will contain mxm. Also cover made by a fan and friend Joshua.

  • Ferrum League Adventures

    Tyler, his boyfriend James and friends went to Ferrum Battle college and had a fufilling school year to say the least. Now, Tyler and James aren't together and a new school year is being brought apon them in the second arc of FLA. What's instore for them this time around? This story contains M/M, F/F, and M/F. If you don't like then don't read. First Arc:Chp 1-28 Second Arc: 29-48

  • Asher Adventure

    A guy on a mission through the dragon program to become a dragon master. Travels to win a pokemon league and a grand festival. In this universe Pokemon have anthro forms along with origin forms. Sadly the public isn't fully okay with it. Let's also throw some romance in the mix, Let's join Asher as he aims to be a dragon master. Does contain love between pokemon and trainer. M/M