

  • Anachronism

    Humanity, despite its valient efforts, was going to lose against the Reapers, it was obvious. So they hid her, their sole ace in the hole. Garrus Vakarian has managed to stop Saren, albeit barely, and has drawn the eyes of the Collectors. Through chance, or fate, both eras will fight. Together, or eachother. Pre-Prothean humanity, M for cursing, violence and maybe sexual themes.

  • God's Retelling of this Wonderful World !

    What if Konosuba was crap ? More seriously, it's basically Konosuba but I change stuff around. My aim is to tell a completely different story while starting from the same point. This means that while the first chapters will basically be rewrites with slight (or not) but important (or not) changes to the canon story, the story will end up totally different. There will be Kazumin.