
  • Reservoir Devils

    After way too many defeats and failed plans, Team Magma decided to up its game. No more playing fair, time to play criminal. After all, whats the point of crime if you don't intend to hurt someone? What happens if Pokemon villains decide to actually do criminal stuff? Poor Brendan is about to find out the hard way.

  • You Received a Text!

    Goh and Chloe received a one in 10,000 chance to learn more about Ash! They just managed to get their hands on his phone. What secrets would they uncover within?

  • Breaking Point

    Everyone has a breaking point. Goh found this out the hard way. Can he rebuild his friendship with Ash? Or will he be doomed to lose his only other human friend?

  • A Party, Wine, and a Bed

    These three things. Wonderful on their own, probably not so much together. Will new love bloom from this wild night? Or will trouble arise the next day?

  • Ash's Vacation

    Ash takes a much needed, much deserved vacation, leaving poor Goh to do all the work. How will Goh survive without his superior? And what kind of shenanigans will Ash deal with? And what mystery, is happening behind the scenes?