
  • Letting Go

    AU. Following a terrible car crash, the comatose astronaut, Major Tony Nelson, lives in his own delusions about his young fiancée, Jeannie Wyatt, for years. But when he miraculously comes out of the coma sixteen years later, he learns things about Jeannie he never could have imagined, and his whole world is shaken to its core.

  • Horizon: Remembrance

    The fifth and (REALLY!) final story in my Horizon series. AU. As George Jefferson and his daughter Angie are grieving the agonizing loss of Louise and Angie's baby, George decides to loan Angie one of Louise's diaries to read, giving her the chance to get to know her mother all over again, in the hopes that it will ease some of her pain.

  • Ice

    AU. Edna Garrett learns a terribly painful lesson about prejudice against young people. WARNING: A major character death will take place in this story. Please read responsibly. One-shot.

  • Midnight

    AU. After suddenly getting hit with the two bombshell diagnoses of cancer and pregnancy, Louise Jefferson is forced to make a life-or-death decision that will change the course of her marriage and family forever.

  • Horizon: The Last Battle

    The fourth and FINAL story in my Horizon series. AU. When the Forty-Niner suddenly returns, Louise Jefferson must face her deepest fears.

  • Yankee Doodle

    Twenty-year-old Princess Mia hears a crazy version of the song, "Yankee Doodle Dandy" from one of her college classmates. And when she goes to Genovia during her summer vacation to visit her grandmother, Queen Clarisse, she sings it to her personal assistant, Charlotte, and it spreads through the palace like wildfire, resulting in complete comedy mayhem. One-shot. Fits into cannon.

  • Locked

    Clarisse Renaldi, Queen Dowager of Genovia, is furious when her twenty-three-year-old granddaughter, Queen Amelia, elopes with Andrew Jacoby, Duke of Kenilworth. More difficult times follow and the relationship between the two queens is tested like never before. WARNING: a major character death WILL occur. PLEASE read responsibly.

  • Horizon: Homecoming

    The third story in my Horizon series. AU. Now that Louise Wood has rejoined her husband, George Jefferson, in New York, he is beyond thrilled. But making the transition from Louise Wood to Louise Jefferson is harder than anticipated. George gives Louise all the support he can, but will it be enough?