
  • Second Blade

    When Nagisa gazes up into the star-filed sky, he sees an unblemished Moon; whole and intact. When Nagisa gazes upon his troubled students, he sees a dead end class striving to be more than themselves; brimming with hope. When Nagisa gazes at himself, he sees the legacy an octopus left behind; waiting to be fulfilled. Hone it: Your Second Blade.

  • Fate Secure Order

    In 2016, the world ended. The human incineration order began and humanity was wiped out. This is a story of a single Chaldean staff, a technician, as he journeys through the Grand Order. Is there more to what he seems to be though? After all, dealing with anomalies is nothing new to him, and the end of the world? Pfftt, happened too many times to count.