• How To Tolerate a Dork

    Huey loves to read, heck he's the smartest person in the school. He often gets teased for being a "nerd" and laughed at but he doesnt let it get to him. He meets Jazmine whos sweet but not the sharpest tool in the shed though enjoys making friends with the boy. Although, he's confused on why she would ever talk to a guy like him.

  • Unexpected Arrivial

    Huey donated sperm around a year ago in fact, he recently donated more. He randomly gets a call in the middle of the night saying his sperm will no longer be used. Upon visiting the fertility clinic the nurse tells him that his sperm has only used one time..

  • Starstruck

    Huey tries to build up the courage to talk to Jazmine after their disconnection of 2 years and attempt to learn to handle his emotions differently.