
  • Of Soulmates, Pranking and Pranking Soulmates

    When the Devil twins are sent back in time, they don't know what to do. But maybe it's a good thing: Their soulmate marks have finally started heating up. Completely AU, time-travel fic, lots of angst, some smut, lots and lots of pranks.

  • Harry Riddle: The Potions Apprentice

    When Harry Potter was placed with his Aunt and Uncle after his parents death, Albus Dumbledore made the first of his many mistakes concerning young Harry. He didn't make sure that they actually kept him. Good!Tom Good!Severus Manipulative!Dumbledore Evil!Dumbledore Bashing!Hermione Granger Bashing!Ronald, Ginevra, Molly Weasley Good!Gred and Forge Weasley

  • The goblin's ward

    When Harry Potter doesn't come to Gringotts to take care of his business, an irate goblin decides to take business to Harry Potter. After all, the goblins take their job very seriously. Not sure where this is going yet, but I think it'll be a creature fic. Pairing also undecided, so I can be influenced on that ;)