
  • Hogwarts Reads The Potter Twins Books

    I decided to make 'The Potter Twins' series into this instead. Astrid Lily and Harry James Potter are twins (Astrid being older). They had a close relationship until they were sorted. Astrid went to Slytherin, while Harry went to Gryffindor. More info about Astrid will be in the fanfic. Enjoy!

  • The Potter Twins

    Astrid Lily and Harry James are the Girl/Boy-Who-Lived. They have a close relationship growing up. But will Hogwarts change that? Will their relationship remain the same or will they be like the Black brothers and Evans sisters? Rated M for r*pe, abuse, and later; self-harm.

  • The Carringtons

    When Voldemort was defeated, everyone from the Light Side died except for Harry, Neville, and Celestia (Hermione is Harry's twin sister given to the Grangers after the prophecy was made. She looks exactly like Lily except for a streak of royal blue hair.) The trio time travels to 1974 to fix things. When they arrive, they are born as Carringtons (Ancient and Noble House btw)

  • Alria: Love Story

    Estelaria Black and Albus Potter start out as their friend's cousins, to a quartet of friends, to haters,to friends again, to Albus and his family hate for Estelaria, to Estelaria hate for Albus and his family, to them together. This starts in Albus' third year. Will their crushes of each other turn into something magical? Alria and Scorose. Hurt/Comfort in later chapters.

  • The Butterfly Sisters

    When Voldemort wins The Battle of Hogwarts and Harry Potter is dead along with everyone, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, and Ginny Weasley time travel to the Marauders Era in 1975, so they can destroy the horcruxes and defeat Voldemort once and for all. They have different names, blood, and appearances. RB/HG, LL/RL, GW/SB, LE/JP. Peter gets no one.