

  • The Redemption of a Lonely Star

    After Regulus Black sacrificed himself in the cave in 1979, it seemed that nature did not want him to just die, it wanted him to have a second chance at life, a better life. (May become M rated in much later chapters, but not yet for sure)

  • thirty days to live

    After an ancient and irreversible curse hits Hermione and Ron during the Battle of Hogwarts, they are both to die in a month. Knowing this, they vow to make sure they live the best life they can imagine for these last thirty days.

  • A life crumbled

    AU during the 5th year, Dumbledore decided to give Harry Occulemecy training himself, successfully from the beginning of the year deciding against distancing himself from Harry. Harry never has his "Voldemort visions" anymore. He never sees Arthur's snake attack, and what could have happened happens.

  • The Girl who Lived

    This is about Harry Potter's sister, raised by the Malfoys since she was little, not the Dursleys as Harry was. When she finally begins to go to school, she realizes she and Draco aren't the same and begins to develop doubts about who her real family is, must decide between the light and the dark, torn in the middle and stuck there.