Onishin Tsukitenshi

  • Gate - Thus Gensokyo Joined the Battle

    When Hardy created the Gate in Ginza, she noticed a barrier. Finding another land behind it, she excitedly placed a second Gate within. Little did she know, the aftermath would force Gensokyo to leave the shadows and reveal itself to the world once more. Japan and Falmart will never be the same, for the monsters that once lurked within the dark have returned, and they plan to stay.

  • Song of the Messiah

    He should have still been the Great Seal, but thanks to Elizabeth, he was freed from that duty. Sent to save another world, the blue-haired boy was given another chance at life. In a world terrorized by monsters and cursed by God, what changes will the presence of the Messiah bring?

  • Spiraling Maelstrom in the Endless Chaos

    Just after the seal was formed, Kaguya used Yomotsu Hirasaka to send Naruto into a new world. Now, the knuckleheaded blonde ninja has to find a way to survive, especially since he's gotten involved in the supernatural part of the world. Oh, and not only is he going out with a fallen angel, his neighbor is a certain pervert. Chapters 1-5 have been revised