I.D.'s Fantasy

  • Devil's Train

    Emmet asks for Giratina's help in getting Ingo back. Unfortunately, Giratina's portal has some unintended physical and mental consequences. When Lucas finds a 6 year old boy unconscious and alone while on a survey mission, he has little choice but to help the stubborn child reunite with his brother. Inspired by @anxiously-introverted (Tumblr) and her Little Spark AU

  • I Don't Want to Lose You (But I Don't Have a Choice)

    When Ingo seemed on edge after getting off the Singles train, Emmet didn't initially think much of it. When Ingo was mostly silent throughout dinner, Emmet knew something was wrong. When Ingo showed him a page in the textbook on ancient Sinnoh, Emmet felt his heart shatter. What do you do when you find out your brother is destined to become a historical figure?

  • Wouldn't it be Better to Sleep a While Longer

    When Michael woke up, his baby brother died. When Michael woke up, he was no longer alive. When Michael woke up, it was in a cold sweat after another nightmare. When Michael woke up, he saw his father for the first time in over thirty years. When Michael woke up, it was time for it to end. When Michael woke up, it wasn't over. Snippets of Michael's journey throughout the series.