
  • Split Personalities

    A lot can change from even the slightest of actions, when Lynn sustains a skull fracture it seems to have a side effect on her, now her mind and body is being torn between several different distinct personalities, with the only way to keep them at bay by indulging in their desires. Will she be able to stay in control and overcome it? Or will she give up and give in. (Please review)

  • Inhuman

    When someone starts using technology and begins treating Royal Woods and the people in it like their personal playground, turning them into superpowered humanoid. Now it falls to one boy that underestimated the abilities of these to try and stop them, can Lincoln put a stop to this before it gets truly out of hand? Will he be able to keep it secret from his family? (Please review)

  • Loud Cores

    A world in ruin where mecha and monsters are normal, one boy is burdened with the task to find his many family members but 1 that have gone missing. Will becoming pilots of an Armored Core be able to give these two the chance to find their lost loved ones? Will they be absorbed into the ever-growing conflicts in the world, or avoid them completely? (Please review.)