

  • super random ideas of total random randomness

    hello all if you could not tell from the title these are random ideas for potential future stories im at that wall that is known as writers block on my other story so im trying this. i hope you enjoy rated M for language im good at dramatic sensenot so much the sweaty sense if you get me nudge nudge wink wink.

  • the Essance of Silver and steel

    (so I'm not great with summary's but here is an attempt) the Zeppo no more, A terror, a Hunter, a Commander of steel and a hope that will shake the hevans and the earth with a pounding march of silver. (i may change the summery also this is a YAHF also m for just in case)

  • Into the unknown

    Hello everyone, this is going to be an odd story it's a premise I have yet to find. after a few chapters, I will make a proper summary. that being said I hope you like the off the cuff ideas that come from my mind. and if you got something to say... please be gentle. I am marking this M for language and future actions just FYI.