KuroChi Cross

  • Mirror of Cruelty

    While things are up in the air for Fluttershy, being in a new world, meeting those she knew but doesn’t know, as well as meeting the Fluttershy of the pony world, as well as her growing hunger, an old enemy of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s parents begins her next plan to erase Equestria as well as Fluttershy’s home world in one chaotic go.

  • Curse of Kindness

    Poisonous memories. Miscommunication. Bonds burned. Bonds stitched by toxic threads. Betrayal by shared water of the womb. Fluttershy lost her family. Now she's plagued by trauma, pushing away those she was supposed to hold dear. A comforting embrace coils around her by a man with a chaotically violent past. Saving Angel cursed her with a bloodthirsty need and an Element branding

  • Clinging to Hope

    Draco’s been careful as to make this family he wants with Harry work. He’s actually happy. But someone from the Malfoy’s past has come back to finish old business. Unfortunately he wants Draco’s help. Sequel to Lost Love. Drarry.

  • Prompt Challenge 1?

    Just a one shot prompt: Talking is a lot less destructive, you know. Its a Drarry.

  • Snake on the Spider’s Web

    Work was going well for Draco, not quite forgetting his run in with a boy who saved him. He meets the green eyed boy again, now a man, but he can’t help feel like there’s something off about the man’s dog-like demenor. Maybe he should start with a name? *kinda set in older times. Not HP universe*

  • Lost Love

    In this world where Humans have animal features (not based in the ABO universe) Draco lost his first love at 7 years old. Then comes along Harry Potter, who looks just like the boy who he promised to marry when they were lost in the woods. But it couldn’t be him. His love was dead.