Arianwen Lupin

  • Sirius Black & the Prisoner of Azkaban

    This is my new improved version! Beta-readers needed, so please please take a look a it! The main plotline's the same, but with a few Crucial changes, and I've completely changed the dialogue. There's also a much deeper character analysis. OK so if that d

  • Via Non Capuit

    The beginning of a very cool fic! Please read if you like death-eaters, lupin, snape, sirius etc etc. The list goes on! Oh yes...and after you've read, please review as well!

  • Harry Potter Goes to the Movies

    Well the title says it all really! ENJOY!

  • HP and the Order of the Phoenix *Improved Version*

    Two people writing this at school! We've edited it a bit and have separated it into two chapters. Hope you like it! Please r/r!!!

  • Three Years Across

    This is a love triangle between Cho, Harry and Ginny, but it's got a bit of a twist in it. For one thing Cho becomes a Death Eater and kicks a bit of Harry ass. If you r/r I'd be eternally grateful!