
  • Relentless Night

    Following Lacy and Stained and set before Somewhere Special in Time, Jack and Rose find their idyllic family life suddenly uprooted due to the Great War. From trenches to victory gardens, their lives as they know it will be changed forever.

  • Boundless

    Taking control of your destiny sometimes leads you back to the stars.

  • Lacy and Stained

    They've survived. But what now? What will life prove to be for an ex-rich girl and a weary traveling artist? They'll survive together. It's all they can do. The story of Jack and Rose's life begins now.

  • Trenches

    On May 14th, 1917, Jack Dawson was deployed to Europe with thousands of other men to protect United States soil. On November 11th, 1918, Germany fell and the war ended. Now Rose awaits impatiently for Jack's return, trying to stay positive, while all looks bleak that cold Christmas of 1918. One shot. *For Arashi Wolf Princess*