Saved by Dark Innocence

  • Apocalyptic Annie

    A shitty day turns into a shitty life, that's how the saying goes nowadays. When you're not fighting off Walkers, your running from group to group, avoiding being eaten, murdered and robbed but I have a reason to live, I have a reason to fight. Someone has to protect her, someone has to keep her safe. Why can't that someone be me? *Rewritten Story* Please read and review!**

  • If I Am Strong

    I almost made a big mistake because I was weak and let the darkness get to me. I won't be weak anymore, I refuse to be weak! If I am strong, I will be just like them; maybe better? Maybe they will forgive me for something that almost took my Family away. But I have to be strong. I have to stay strong for Zero...and for her. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW/ALTERNATE UNIVERSE/ICHIRUXOC MAYBE.