
  • The Chosen Jedi

    After Ezra leaves the crew he back to his old life on the street. 3 years latter The crew of the Ghost goes to Lothal for a mission finding out the mission was Ezra, only Ezra isn't acting like himself. (Chapter 7 will explain the image for this story)

  • Jealous Much!

    After meeting a girl who a bit like Ezra. Sabine doesn't like what she see's, how the girl takes a likening to Ezra. Sabine keeps telling herself she not jealous but latter admits she is.(horrible summary sorry)

  • Ezra Bridger-Dark Side

    Have you ever thought what Ezra would be if he joined the dark side. Do you think he would go easy or fight? He might loose everything or gain it all back, who knows maybe. See Ezra on the Dark Side. (Bad summary and it gets better throughout the chapters so check it out first plz thanks)

  • Ezra Life on the Streets

    Little stories of Ezra being on the streets and the adventures he had. How he survives the adventures and the trouble he gets in. How everything started. Ezra Bridger life on the streets. (Bad summary sorry)