
  • Cali Vibes

    Derek hasn't been able to forget her, even though it's been two years since she's moved away. Familiar Feelings come rushing back when he Comes out to California for a medical conference and sees Addison again. But will she feel the same way about him? ADDEK AU in California :)

  • Daddy's Little Girl

    This is the new and revised version of one of my older stories! Addison's husband has died and she and her six-year-old daughter move to Seattle to find happiness again and guess who she ends up meeting? ADDEK is not dead :)

  • Country Kind of Love

    Addison Montgomery moves to Kansas to get away from everything in New York and it just so happens that Derek Shepherd is her new colleague and a lot more excited about living in the middle of nowhere than she is. But is his excitement contagious or does she move back to NYC? ADDEK AU (because Addek is amazing!)