
  • The Encyclopedia of HJPotter

    As the clock strikes midnight and Harry Potter's birthday arrives he receives an unusual gift from seemingly nowhere. This not so simple gift will change Harry's world and open up possibilities that he didn't think were possible. AU elements.

  • Death's Champion

    Nothing turned out the way Harry wanted it to after his defeat of Voldemort. Betrayed by his friends, Harry gets thrown in Azkaban. Upon his escape he finds a very different magical world after spending many years on the run Harry devises a ritual to solve the worlds problems and gains a new chance to get what hes always wanted, a family.

  • To Be A Potter

    What if Harry had some other remaining family apart from the Dursleys, a new guardian appears to help Harry learn what the truth of being a Potter really is. Inherited family traits/Magical theory/Slow burn/First Story/Updating when chapters are ready.