
  • Tempus: Native

    'Religion is a lie.' Alexis Halliwell, an agent of the Tempus Autem Custos has been assigned to the descendants of Adam, the Assassin line in particular. She has been chosen to protect Ratonhnhaké:ton aka Connor Kenway and ensure he lives and follows his destiny as written. But what happens when conflicting interests halt her mission? Can she protect the native she is falling for?

  • Little Spit Fire: Divided

    When peace was within her grasp, the Civil War rose higher than before now with the death of Alduin. All Avyanna wants it to protect her family and give her children peace, not forced to make a decision. Rohan wants to stay with his best friend, Kiraya. But what happens when she's in danger and he can't get to her? A house divided is a house weakened. Follows Two Halves:Storm of Do

  • Wise Delegation

    Tatiana Trevelyan had dreamt of doing more than just spending the rest of her life locked in a tower. She wanted to help change the world, she wanted to serve man as a mage. When the Breach and the Elder One threaten the safety of Thedas, Tatiana steps up to protect and change the world. Can she do that, whilst falling for the blonde Commander? Links with Running Wild.

  • Running Wild

    Everyone knew of Tatiana Trevelyan, the famous Herald of Andraste and the Inquisitor to the Inquisition. But what of the blonde elf beside her? Artemis's story was never as glorious as her friend's, hers was shrouded in mystery that only a few knew about. As she fights to save Thedas, can she help fight her feelings for Solas? Or will he find her true self? A Dragon Age fic

  • The White Queen

    Lisanna did not enter the Country of Clover of her free will, nor was she dragged or kidnapped by a white rabbit. She had died and woke up in a room in confusion and fear. Now, like all of those with faces, she has a role to play and a duty to uphold. She is everything Vilvadi is not: The White Queen of Peace. Can she do it? Or will she rebel? BorisxOC fanfic Heart no Kuni no Alice

  • Another High School Story

    With the inheritance left to her by her grandmother and a dream, Carlotta Winters creates a school where those who have been bullied, rejected by everyone can be themselves and accepted. Follow the students of Twin Wings High as they deal with the drama of love, school and rivalry between them and Hearst High. Based off the IOS game by Pixelberry. A High School Story Fanfic.