
  • The Eighth Wonder

    Mabel is sick, bored, and lonely. Her friends don't want to catch her flu and her brother keeps ditching her to go exploring when he's supposed to be taking care of her. Mabel meets a new friend to talk to while she's out of it, but what in the name of God could he really be?

  • Twins and Triplets

    Tyrone isn't as cool with dying as he thought. Dipper had just carelessly thrown away the lives of his fellows. Tyrone runs for his life, meets a triangle, and lives. Tyrone hates Dipper. Dipper should have finished the job. Bill has a new puppet. Will Pine Tree be replaced? 'Double Dipper' alternate ending.

  • Claybirds for Dummies

    "He was the leader of an elite criminal organisation hellbent on taking over the world, why couldn't he get a stupid lump of clay to resemble a darn bird?" Poor Deidara just wanted a peaceful day, Tobi wants to make a bird. DeiTobi. Short, sweet, and moderately fluffy.