
teh liz

  • Comfort and Joy

    In the future, the Auror trainee Ginny Weasley takes an interrogation on Christmas Eve of the last person she ever thought she'd see again.

  • Please

    Narcissa tries to talk Andromeda out of leaving the family.

  • Inter Nos

    Bellatrix and Andromeda Black meet Ted Tonks for the first time. (Please note publishing date: before HBP wherein it was made canon that all Blacks save Sirius were in Slytherin. It wasn't uncommon to put Andromeda in other houses. So please stop correcting me on a detail that wasn't canon when I wrote and published the story.)

  • Lessons My Father Taught Me

    A boy is never too old to learn a lesson from his father.

  • Heroes

    30minutefics challenge. "...Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they fought like heroes." -- Mad Eye Moody, "Order of the Phoenix"...

  • License to Kill

    30minutefics challenge. Someone uses an Unforgivable.

  • Ambiguity

    30minutefics challenge. An owl arrives with distressing news for Sirius -- or does it?

  • Failure to Cope

    Oliver is rocketed to Quidditch fame, but Katie is somewhat slower to cope.