

  • The Free Writing Experiment by Percy Weasley

    A series of Drabbles...Percy tries to figure out life and sexuality. Two new drabbles and some corrections to the previous drabbles.

  • Austin 2

    AU. Very much AU. Percy, Austin, and Oliver do Europe....and by that I mean Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, London, Diagon Alley, etc....

  • What is Lost

    AU this drabble disregards most of Book 6. What are the consequences of a mother's choice? Doing what you believe is right for the many may not be the correct choice.

  • Best Mates

    Complete! The AU story of two boys best mates Snape and Black. Thank you to everyone who reviewed! Sorry it took so long to post these short chapters.

  • one thousand one hundered twenty nine

    What does a Potion's Master Death Eater turned spy do for his summer vacation? How does it involve the Mauraders, Gred and Forge and polyjuice potion?

  • Austin

    Mmmmm...Mpreg. Oliver and Percy. Tidbits of RonDraco. Familial alienation. Story is short and complete and will be posted in about four tidbits. Finally complete.

  • Dear Reader

    Rated this PG or K because of suicide. Percy says his final good bye.

  • Love Happens

    A bit on the angsty unrequited side. The Headmaster comes to realize and accept that he lost his chance at love with his potions professor. Some slashy themes are present (but no actual slash pairing) & an OFC is introduced.

  • You're sleeping on the couch

    Ficlet Ron Weasley & the miracle of childbirth. A tad bit slashy. Mpreg.

  • Hope

    One shot Percy-centric fic. In this fic Percy isn't really seen or heard from. Previously titled Percy?