
  • Alcina's Biological Daughter

    It was said Alcina could not bear children, but what if the Cadou ended that false accusation and she did end up with a daughter after all.

  • You're such a royal pain in the fang!

    You love your tall beautiful Lady, but sometimes she can just be quite the pain. Especially when said Lady is in such pain.

  • Mother's Unwell?

    Alcina pays the price after you say to her she won't exactly catch what you had.

  • Alcina and the mischievous Kitten

    You're a tired, hungry, weak little kitten striving to live in the mean village where people would love more than anything to just crush you under their boot. Maybe if you grew to adult size, you could rid them of rats, but it was too much even for them to take you in and treat you. Thankfully upon finding shelter, a certain someone finds you and takes you in. Salvation, right?

  • Unleash the beast

    Ethan was the second person, other than Miranda to see her transformation. Adding you to the mix, now makes it three. The biggest question is of how you actually react to seeing said transformation?

  • A mothers grief

    Alcina's reaction to losing each daughter.

  • Big Sis

    Angie goes for a roam around the castle in search of big sis.

  • You pushed yourself too far, Cassandra

    Requested by Godric0Gryffindor. In which a simple hunt, goes terribly wrong.

  • Donna's Daughter

    Alcina loses something, no someone dear to her and never expects to find her again. Thankfully her sister Donna is the one to take her in.

  • The Morning Sun

    Alcina is a drug you can't get unhooked from, but that's fine as she helps you through your nightmare of a life.

  • Young and Beautiful

    Your time with Alcina had been a great one indeed.

  • Dernière Danse

    Something was off, you were off. But the Lady always has something to get you back on again.

  • Taming One Of The Beasts!

    The three girls combined where like Cerberus, but take one away and you get...well you get Orthrus. Will a single hell hound be tamed or will it just go back to being a three headed dog?

  • A willing maiden?

    Lady Dimitrescu bites off more than she can chew as hunters reach their village. They'd tried for years to bring her down and perhaps now they'll finally succeed.

  • How the mighty have shrunk

    You seriously did not expect to wake one morning like this.

  • Fuck you're so gorgeous (and I wanna touch you)

    Your Lady comes back to her bedroom wounded and you want nothing more than to seek revenge on the one who'd hurt her, but first you need to take care of your Lady.

  • The love of a werewolf to a Vampire is none existent!

    You'd been at the castle now for a good while. And in that time, you'd grown rather smitten with the tall Lady Dimitrescu. Everyone around you feared her, and for good reason she could have you taken to the cellar with a flick of her fingers. You stayed by the rules, did everything in your power not to anger her or the girls and still she would always choose another.

  • Family Pet

    You were the family pet, born from a werewolf father. You inherited the genes from him and were able to transform at will. The Lady saw your beauty, not the beast and decided you would make one great family pet. Only as time passed, Miss Bela grew more attached to you, or more along the lines of liking how you got her off while being under the table.

  • Remove Your Hat

    Was it strange that everyone wore some sort of head covering? A hat, a veil, a hood. Yes, it was strange until you find out the reason why and quite frankly do you care? No, you do not.

  • A debt repaid

    In which two wrongs don't make a right. The daughters may have mistreated you and the rest, but you weren't going to stand around and let one die.