
  • Nyan Gentle Sis Even Gel Lion: A Crack-Fic Potpourri

    A miscellany of fics too short and silly to merit postings of their own. Rated M for language and moderately bawdy humour.

  • Crossovers That Must (Not) Happen

    The Angel Wars are over; Third Impact is averted; the villains are in jail. But NERV now must reimburse the UN for the EVAs' multi-billion yen cost. What to do? Why, option the Children's adventures for TV, of course, preferably mixed and matched with other franchises. Everyone wins. Right?

  • A First, Second and Third Child's Garden of Verses

    What if great English-language poets had taken a crack at Evangelion? Emphasis on "crack."

  • A First, Second and Third Child's Garden of Verses

    What if the great English-language poets had taken a crack at Evangelion? Emphasis on "crack."