
  • To Hell and Back

    Cordell will do whatever it takes to keep his kids, even if he has to go to hell and back.

  • What If: Jack

    Jack comes in season 5, how will his appearance affect the life of Elizabeth Grant?

  • Rewriting Fate: Arrow

    Welcome to a rewrite of Arrow, taking place in my Rewriting Fate universe

  • Heart of a Time Traveler

    Jack is a time traveler, inspired by the story "The Time Traveler's Wife"

  • What If: Nathan

    A non-canon companion to my story, What If: Jack

  • A Kind of Love

    Inspired by 4x05 of Magnum PI(reboot)

  • A Strange Gift

    A short snippet of what could have happened

  • The Christmas Card

    Soldiers, Pen-Pals, and Christmas Cards

  • Mythos and Madness

    Barry Allen and Lena Luthor, former lovers, follow the trail to find the key to destroying Supergirl and The Flash. AU