The Storm SD

  • A Knight's Tale: Wings of Rubber

    It's one thing to lose a CPU, and another to lose your entire friend. Kitt's CPU gets stolen, and it's up to Michael to find Kitt's true whereabouts in a facility housing dozens of AI's for an autonomous jet program before Kitt takes to the sky!

  • A Little Snooze - One shot

    "My driver, first hand, has fallen asleep at the wheel even after an hour or two of gnawing at coffee or even a sweetened pastry. It's no use. Humans fall asleep." Kitt ponders the use of sleep.

  • Obscure Knight

    Something has happened to Michael...Kitt is sure of it...but how will he find his friend when his travel buddy happens to be KARR?

  • Restoring of the Heart

    "Who's the killer." "I can't — Mr. Knight! I'm not crazy enough to let you run savagely amongst the streets and get yourself killed. Or worse — let you kill someone!" The man shook his head leaning back against the back of the couch, feeling his blood beat in his head. "Look, will you help me find the killer? Yes, or no?" "I drive." Michael cocked his head.

  • Stasis

    "They lowered the TA to a lower level of the building. The car meekly followed the instructions of the engineers crowding his chassis as they passed him into a separate room. Aligning himself with the car lift anxiously, he popped open his hood obediently. Feeling exposed he flinched at the sight of different hands handling his turbine [...]."

  • Away In The Knight

    Kitt has left Earth behind to join the many humans and machines on their search to find humanities knew home beyond the wormhole near Saturn. The journey is tough and the computer misses his former life but with Earth's decline year after year a sacrifice will have to be made.

  • Moonlight

    "While he found the company and the pleasant surprise of finding the car in his garage to a degree endearing — there were moments when he couldn't stand anyone's presence. When he'd stow away in his little corner he called his own at the mansion and just shut everyone out — but the car always found a way in!" A (literal midnight) attempt at uncovering untouched season topics...

  • Stow Away Under the Cover of Knight

    Summary: Karr was given a second chance - and while it seemed to have lead to another dead end...Charles Graiman made the arrangements so as to leave a little stow away hiding at the heart of the knew FLAG. [Little concept I wanted to explore within the domain of KR 2008. Disclaimer- I only watched the last episode of said show so...putting that out there in case things are off...]

  • Disk Failure -- (Portal 2 fanfic)

    Wheatley awakes in Aperture once again, though he remembers close to nothing. He'll go through a journey full of hardship, friends, and joy. Along the way, he might remember his past but he might never understand. He will get swept away and during his darkest hour, his friends will be there, not letting this core stay forever in the dark.

  • The Sunburnt Hills

    Another adventure unfolds...Karr must care for Kitt while they venture without FLAG backup. The board and government are determined to terminate Kitt, holding the AI accountable for a fatal accident. However, in the shadowy flight of a man and vehicle that do not exist things aren't always as they seem... A short I wrote over the course of an entire day.

  • Do you wanna fly? - Short

    Kitt doesn't like flying - probably never will...A one-shot I found collecting dust...

  • Old School

    He was honestly getting tired of being replaced by glass sandwiches that could barely hold onto a conversation and had little to no personality. Everyone had one nowadays...but not everyone had a talking car... A short one-shot.

  • Kitt Quits

    "A creature adrift in a time where he didn't entirely fit, but not for the obvious reasons. He didn't fit because here no one accepted him or even cared." Taking place right after the events in Knight Rider 2000 film, I decided to wrap up some questions the writers left hanging and other things they didn't have time to address...Without further a due I present 'Kitt quits'.

  • Heartbeat

    A one-shot that I wrote after a very hard day of work... Excerpt: "David raised a brow unable to contain his laugh. " — What for?" "If automated system's take over the world, they won't be able to reach us in the sky." David gave his friend a silly smile, it was the hours of sleep deprivation talking. "Would you like some coffee?" "Now that you mention it, sure.""

  • Down Time - A short

    Michael grimaced at the sound of Kitt's voice. "Kitt, everyone gets sick." He tried. "Not me, not entirely. Technically this is a problem that could be resolved in a day while the human immune system could take a week. I'm just on downtime given the circumstances." A short story I've worked on now and again...every so and so...time and time again...


    TAG to "Junkyard Dog". Just a one-shot that I decided to write after thinking about that episode, I've been meaning to write about it eventually so here it is before I run out of time. "Alone and to choke in my own grief as I slowly ceased to exist, the light slowly fleeted, the dark of the sky succumbing into a starless ashen pool of biting acid."

  • Tag to Circus Knights

    The night of the big show was so anxiety-inducing…Kitt wasn't sure why. Hadn't he done countless dives and jumps in his lifetime to be seasoned with the task? Of course, it was different when one did these things out of necessity than when one had to "perform" them infront of others. What if the audience had mixed feelings about Trans-Am? What if they expected to see a Camaro[...]?

  • Conversation - A Knight Rider Short

    "It was commonplace for him to speak to strangers and all kinds of people along the streets, but in the presence of Stephanie Mason…or March…whichever is correct…he found it difficult to start a conversation." I've always noted the scarcity between Kitt's and Stevie's interactions during the episodes she appears and thought I'd attempt to write one, takes place in: Let it be me.

  • A Knight's Rest

    After many years of fighting crime, Michael decides it's time to retire and brings Kitt along with him. Hilarity ensues after Michael decides to buy a fixer-upper house!