

  • The Mellowbrook Demon

    Do you believe the creatures whose skin you clothe yourself would show any mercy the same way you do to them if they knew what you truly are Clarence Francis. So why do you hide behind their flesh instead of letting us show them the real meaning of evil.

  • Voices in my head

    The birth of the Blood God

  • The darkest secrets hide beneath the surface

    He had been imprisoned for millennials, hidden away beneath an ocean of gold. He wait patiently even as centuries go by and kingdoms rise and rot away into solar dust. He waits for you, Moon Butterfly.

  • The Mellowbrook demon(Spanish ver)

    ¿Crees que los humanos en cuya piel te vistes mostrarían alguna misericordia de la misma manera que tú lo haces con ellos? ¿Crees que mostrarían misericordia si supieran lo que realmente eres Clarence Francis? Entonces, ¿por qué te escondes detrás de su carne en lugar de dejar que les mostremos el verdadero significado de la locura?