Benny V. in Seattle

  • iCall You Dollbaby

    Freddie and Sam find that gestures, and pictures, are worth 1,000 words. Just a happy little story.

  • iFace

    V. short look at how I'd like to see a certain badassed blonde re-introduced into the iCarly "canon." It'll never happen unless a whole lotta things change DRASTICALY and even if it does it almost certainly won't happen like this but that's one of the things Fanfiction is for, isn't it?

  • if, What?

    What if Carly had interrupted Sam and Freddie before his little pep talk and her kissing him in iOMG? That's kind of what started this admittedly incomplete hunk of a story. I had an idea where I was going to go with it but stopped because it was going to be too sad and who needs that? But I wanted to post something, this is long, and maybe a comment will light a fire under me.

  • Hashtag: iMissed You

    This is a short story about Freddie and Sam's thoughts turning lightly to thoughts of love, in other words, its for Valentine's day-with a little touch of heat.  Also a little angst, because what's romance without a little angst, guest appearances by a couple of Victorious characters because I enjoy having them interact with Seddie, and goofy humor because it is based on sitcoms...

  • if, Then:

    Ok, this is something a little different from my usual stories. It starts with a What If? What if Freddie's accident in iSaved Your Life had been worse? What if, in fact, it was as bad as it could be? How would Sam react to his being taken away before she had a chance to come to terms with her feelings for him? There's also a couple of twists that I hope you won't see coming.

  • iChemistry

    You know those stories where somebody - usually Melanie - forces Sam to confront her feelings about Freddie? This is that kind of story, only its about Freddie. It begins shortly after the events of "iSaved Your Life;" implied future Seddie is in full effect.