
  • Memory of Legends

    Xiao remembers his old friends... and makes a new one. (please do not ship)

  • The Last Yaksha

    Xiao fell to his knees. Indarias. Bosacious. Menogias. Bonanus. They were gone. He would never see his friends-no, his family-ever again. They were gone. He looked up at the sky, with its red glow and spear-like clouds pointed towards him, and let out an agonized scream of his own. Tears burned his eyes and flooded down his face, reflecting the light of the slowly dying fires...

  • A Stay in Kakariko Village

    A 'slice of life' story that follows Link as he recovers from defeating the Calamity in Kakariko Village and awaits his slumbering Princess. This is meant to be a relaxing, feel-good read. I hope you enjoy it. :)

  • Before the Calamity

    A Re-telling of Link's fractured memories from before the Calamity struck. "Where is the knight? The one with the Sheikah Slate and what they call the 'Sword that seals the Darkness! Tell us where he is, or you will share his fate!" Link's heart skipped a beat. Princess Zelda was in danger.