
  • Abandoned

    At twenty three years of age Amelia Grey feels like it is time to learn about her past and where she really come from. Abandoned at birth with just a necklace and an unopened letter what will she discover.

  • The Orphanage

    Freya Holmes an orphan grew up spending her teenage years in an orphanage she was physically mentally and sexually abused until one day she was old enough to leave. Returning to the modern world she has one thing and only one thing on her mind revenge.

  • Kill them with kindness

    Amelia Gray a twenty five year old loner tries all she can to make her life that little bit more interesting, but living in a small washed up town it was a struggle. Until one day she meets her best friend in the form off a dog. With twists and turns she lives her existence trying to keep her promises to her deceased mother.

  • Searching

    A young girl in an abusive relationship embarks on a journey into the vampire world.