
  • SpongeBob and the White Snake

    SpongeBob SquarePants might be the strangest snake catcher in Snake Catcher Bottom, but he always gives aid to those in need. He demonstrates this when he saves an amnesiac woman named Ashi from drowning. They fall in love as they journey to find her memories, but they must protect each other from the sorcerers and demons who want to destroy them.

  • Mictlan: A Maya and the Three Story

    The conquistador Francisco Rodriguez is turned into a dark god, earning the throne of the Underworld and the name "Mictlan". Much to the dismay of the Underworld gods, however, Lord Mictlan wishes to escape his tragic new home. As he fights alongside Tomoe-gozen, the honorable daughter of the legendary Samurai Jack, Mictlan learns what it truly means to be a god.