
  • Here We Go Again

    Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass ended up in a completely new place without their knowledge on how they did. Now, they have to navigate this place but with a reversal of roles in a few matters. Now, with the most dreaded dark lord in recent times alive again, just what will Harry do. Does he sit quietly or does he do what he always has? Harry/Daphne/Narcissa, Potters, Blacks

  • Back To The Beginning

    Harry Potter travels back in time after Voldemort is resurrected. Harry who did not know a family till then will now be living with a big family of Potters and Blacks. An intelligent well trained Harry who wants to save his and many other families from destruction due to war! powerful Harry ! well trained Harry! lord Harry! Harry Bellatrix! Harry Narcissa ! or both

  • All Over Again

    After killing Lord Voldemort, Harry had finally let himself free. He had thoughts on a peaceful life and travel the world. What happens when he has to do all of this all over again? Does our hero go crazy? Does he fight once again? And what if he finds himself in a place where most of them make him go bonkers? Powerful! Harry! Smart! Harry, Harry Bellatrix!

  • A Second Chance

    Harry Potter after winning the war is transported to an alternate universe. He was surprised and happy to see his parents and family still alive. He had finally got what he wished for. But here, Voldemort is still alive. But he must watch out. Harry Potter will not hold back any longer. Harry! Bellatrix, Fleur, Daphne Powerful Harry. James! Lily, Narcissa

  • Ascension of The Last Potter

    After the chamber of secrets fiasco, Harry recieves a letter from Gringotts. There, Harry learns if his heritage and the greatness of his family and learns of his family. The abilities of his family and their power in the wizarding world.With a surprising teacher behind him, Harry passes the trials ahead that is thrown against him. Harry! Daphne Harry!Fleur, Powerful harry