
  • Whatever it takes

    What if the Ei, created much more puppets than implied because of certain someone convincing her she needed to, and what if that someone had been using those puppets for other purposes. Miko has had enough, after all when you've lived multiple lives, thousands of years in those lives and the one thing you want has always been taken from you, well its about time that she would take

  • Beyond Death

    Death, what comes after will differ from each person, afterlife, heaven, or even hell, but what if there was something else?

  • Beyond Death

    Death, after some people believe after that there is nothingness, some in heaven, or some sort of afterlife, well what if there's another option to explore?

  • Reminiscence

    Sometimes I dream of you... but you're just a figure of my imagination... right? (Told in Yae Miko's POV)