
  • The King of Time and Humanity's Last Master: E Pluribus Unum

    On their way to America during the War of independence, our Heroes are now caught in a war between the US Army led by Thomas Edison and the Celts led by Queen Medb and Cu Chulainn Alter. They must then stop the war with the help of Florence Nightingale and Emu Hojo before things go worst.

  • The King of Time and Humanity's Last Master: Babylonia

    It is now Ancient Mesopotamia, and our heroes know that this is the location of the final Grail, and as it so happens King Gilgamesh is now trying hard to defend Uruk against three Goddesses. They as well as Eiji Hino, Artoria's Mentor Merlin, and a girl that is connected to Medusa named Ana must now help him as they learned about a much darker plot.

  • The Rise of Heroes and Spirits

    It all started with a typical shop spree, but when a group of Assassins targets three teenagers. A reincarnation of an Alien Princess, a Shaman, a spirit detective, a Substitute Shinigami, and a Duelist must band together against threats. From this Earth and Beyond.

  • The King of Time and Humanity's Last Master: London

    As Sougo, Ritsuka and the others continue their quest, they found themselves in mist-filled London where they met Artoria's Archrival/Archenemy/offspring Mordred and Tsukasa's Successors Shotaro Hidari and Philip AKA Kamen Rider Double as they traverse through the foggy city of London.

  • The King of Time and Humanity's Last Master: Camelot II

    As the fight against the Lion King continues, our heroes are now getting desperate at stopping her, with Kouta and Mai noticing that Bedivere's secret is eating away at the latter's mind. Just what is the mystery surrounding Airgetlam as well as Mash's Shield? And how does it all connect to Bedivere and Artoria?

  • A box full of Ideas and one shots

    A bunch of story ideas that I have been thinking lately nothing more.