
  • Xen Effect

    Xen is the gateway between universes and dimensions. It is the place where time, space, physics, and other known rules that define ones life go out the metaphorical window. What will happen when a Child of Xen, a perfect Supersoldier, a Guardian of Humanity, and a Spectre of a Council of aliens find themselves caught up in a war of survival? Find out in "Xen Effect".

  • The Whispering Wolf

    Arya II of the House of Stark; Queen of Winter, the Trident, and the Mountain. She has always been seen as being more like her ancestors Roose Bolton and Ramsey the Bastard; as opposed to her ancestors Eddard Stark and Sansa Stark. But with war or peace with a whole galaxy in her hands, can Arya Stark II prove herself a merciful and honorable person to deal with? (Image not Owned)

  • Half Life: Entanglement

    Ayita Shephard, Lambda Resistance; Cato'Zorah nar Rayya, hired Quarian of the Council Funded Relay 314 Expedition. Both dissatisfied with their lot in this universe; one under the heel of a Inter-Universal Empire, and the other under the boot of an Apathetic Galactic Council. Together they will change the Galaxy. (Image not Owned, Co-Written with IantheMechanic, First Contact AU)