

  • From Ashes to Dust

    Remnant is a world housed by the remains of a people constantly warring with soulless monsters that would see them extinct. Yet they aren't the only remnants on their planet. Remnant is far older than any of its denizens could imagine, older than even their Brother Gods. One of these relics of their past is not as dead as the rest, and its awakening will bring fate to its knees...

  • Falling into the Lands Between

    Just a little one-shot idea I cooked up after finishing my first playthrough of Elden Ring. Basically, Ruby Rose fell into the Lands Between after the finale of Volume 8.

  • Containment Breach

    One-Shot. First written by me as a response to one of the Prompts for the 280th week of the weekly Writing Prompt Wednesday on the RWBY subreddit. Definitely a shorter/bare-bones story, but I found it entertaining enough to myself that I figured I'd also put it on FFN.