
  • Heart's Desire

    Dreams do come true, but perhaps not in the way that one might expect...

  • Shattered Moment

    The wine glass shatters. Harry understands. (what REALLY happened when Draco dropped the wineglass in OotP) - implied slash. One-shot.

  • If Things were Different

    Maybe things could have been different if you took my offered hand, if we became friends, maybe even something more than just friends… Implied H/D slash. One-shot.

  • Kiss Who?

    Inspired by the question "Would Draco Polyjuice himself into Ron just to see Hermione? Or Hermione into Pansy?" So is that girl Pansy? --or Hermione? And why is Ron acting so strange? And why are Ron and Pansy making out? *complete*

  • Draco Malfoy's True Love

    Draco decides to stay in his room, one day, instead of going out with his friends. He composes a poem describing his one true love (other than himself), but who is the mystery Lady? Man? Object? of his affections? Unexpected ending! *complete*

  • Voldemort Teams up with Pinky and the Brain

    [COMPLETE] As the title says, Voldemort seeks the lab mice, Pinky and the Brain for help. Pinky reveals his true identity. Hedwig plays hero. But what about poor Harry? Disclaimer:Pinky and the Brain belong to the Warner Bros. The rest are J.K Rowling's.