Creator of Magic

  • Daughter of Difference

    Rose is called a freak because of her skin and contortion. She's learned to live with it, but when she joins Barnum's Circus everything could change for her, and for the others. She will struggle with her past, her differences, and so much more. In the end, she's going to have to find her true family and learn it doesn't matter that she's different - that it makes her special.

  • Stars

    Where I write one-shots for any FxF Descendants couple you guys want. Will be however long I want it to be. Couple requests and story prompts appreciated!

  • Rewritten

    We all know the stories - Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and others. But behind every weak and stupid girl these stories have painted has been a strong woman. Well, these are the true stories of these woman, the ones that have been hidden. And in them, they are anything but weak.

  • Timeless

    Ben's soulmate was dead, he'd known she was since she appeared in his dreams. At least he could talk to her! However, for some reason she always tried to tell him something before the dream ended. Mal's soulmate was alive, and she could only see him through dreams. She would have to wait years to meet him. For now, she just wanted him to know she loved him, but never got the chance

  • Ginny's Journey

    Ginny and Luna return for their seventh year at Hogwarts. The rest of the students who should have graduated last year are also there - to make up for the missing year. A young new professor arrives too, but soon some strange things start happening. What is this new teacher hiding, and can Ginny save everyone before it's too late?