
  • Adjacent

    They live in adjacent apartments and it just so happens that Sirius doesn't have a great night. Walls get punched and as always, Remus has plenty of tea to make the situation somewhat better. Confused and concerned, they get to talking. How do things go from there?

  • Good Old Fashioned Lover Boys

    It all begins with a very early morning, a mess, and a intimidatingly attractive stranger. A Bakery AU in which Remus is frequently exasperated and Sirius is often a mess.

  • Let's Make Our Own Home

    Sirius and Remus' balcony, a sad scene, pausing the war, exhaustion creeping over them both.

  • Just Another Destroyed Lecture Bench

    Basically a fic from a post that I saw on Pinterest that was a post on Tumblr. I don't have a Tumblr account (I know, it's shocking), so I'll link the pin and if anyone follows (or whatever you do on Tumblr) the person who posted it originally, you know who to thank. So here we go, join Sirius as he spends his time trying to make Art History punk rock, and discovering who would cr