
  • Severus Snape and the Disappearance of Lily Moon

    Severus Snape was not a good man by any standard. He has stolen, betrayed, broken, but those numerous sins do not add up to his current suffering: the Start of Year feast. He counted the minutes until he was able to be back in his room. Maybe nursing a black coffee and maybe even a blueberry muffin if he was feeling particularly despairing.

  • Harry Potter finds out Gay People exist

    In a world of magic, homosexuals are what confuses him.

  • A letter to the Dursleys

    After crashing a Ford into one of the most ancient trees on Hogwarts ground, Harry really should have expected a punishment. (dialogue heavy but i cant write speech sozzles)

  • How to Father a Wizard

    Draco Lucius Malfoy was not a fool, he knows what his father did. But he was named after him for a reason, and he will not let that memory die.

  • Eros

    Luna had no chance of being sorted into Gryffindor. Luckily for her, she knew someone who did.

  • Draco Malfoy Hates Muggles

    It wasn't the first time Draco had stared death straight in the face, but normally death was predictable; Muggle technology however, was not.