
  • The Difference Made by Artemis Black

    What difference can the existence of one character make? A sister to two brothers on opposite sides, best friend to the most famous mother in the wizarding world, and why does Hermione seem so much like her? This is the impact that Artemis Violetta Black has on life and war.

  • Kats and Dogs, Too Bad it isn't Raining

    Kára Williamsdottir, later known as Caroline, is born in the tenth century where she marries one Niklaus Mikaelson. In the 1980s, Caroline is kidnapped by witches and becomes Caroline Forbes. At seventeen, Klaus comes to the Mystic Falls she has been trapped in since the spell and she feels drawn to him.

  • my strange addiction

    Antonin Dolohov tells the Wizengamot that, at the Dark Lord's behest, he and his father had depleted the amount of magic Muggleborns had access to. What will it take for him to give the Muggleborns back their power? And why is Hermione Granger so drawn to this evil, dark man?