

  • The Back-Up Plan

    CO-WRITTEN WITH FAEMELODY. Her back up plan was ready. Rachel was headstrong, she knew what she wanted. Her savings accounts was thriving, the chosen sample firmly implanted. Everything was going to plan, the only part that wasn't in her plan was Eddie Lawson. Her dream man and her dream of motherhood coming true in the very same week. What are the chances? *based on the film*

  • I think I love you better now

    CO-WRITTEN WITH FAEMELODY Eddie and Rachel (then Amanda) dated as teens but a disappearing act on Rachel's part caused Eddie to experience his first taste of heartbreak. So imagine his surprise when she turns up years later, as his boss and sporting a new name. Was their break up really all he thought it was? Was there a reason they've spent so many years apart?

  • Trust In Me

    CO-WRITTEN WITH FAEMELODY. The last person Rachel expected to see late at night in a pharmacy was Eddie. The last thing he was expecting to see was the bruises that littered her body. It had been only months since he'd left, but something had changed and he can't bring himself to walk away and leave her in danger, even when Rachel doesn't want his help...